Thursday, August 8, 2013

One small step...

I have a goal and that goal is to transform the learning environment of my classroom. To look at it right now it is a normal classroom, with the standard chairs, tables, whiteboard, data projector, a hooked up sound system and super important is the brand new wireless access point. Pin-boards decorate the walls of the classroom. All in all it is a large space. As students increasingly use all sorts of devices and tools, my classroom teaching has changed and how the students are learning is changing.  I need a different more modern learning environment that will provide students with the best possible space and equipment for their learning.

I have been lucky enough to be granted an TSB grant through the ISEA. The grant is to research Modern Learning Environments, visit some schools and provide all the information I discover on this blog. This is a work in progress and I would really appreciate any advice, comments or help. I am trying to create lessons where students interact with a variety of communities, become active problem creators and solvers, and for their learning to be authentic. 

Along the way I will be sharing my experience of changing the classroom learning environment and lessons I learn. 

This is what the English classroom looked like this morning

As you can see it is a U shape with rows. Whilst this classroom is mine it is also shared with 5 or so other teachers from different subject areas. During lunch today after watching this video on the 'Classroom Re-design Challenge' I have taken the first steps in re-working the learning environment - see the pics below:

I am trying a range of group sizes with a key discussion area in the middle. Towards the back, which can't be seen in the photo, is a large empty space which can be used by the students. This is a first, small step which I was able to  implement today.

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